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  • July 14, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

5 tips to Cool down your interior this Summer

We just survived some really hot days with ice cubes in our lemonade and the air conditioning or electric fans on full blast! But there are more ways to keep cool this season and that is to transform your living spaces into a refreshing haven with a few simple decor changes! Bring in some living greens in the house! Green...

  • June 16, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

Secrets of the Bi-Disc

Chinese history stretches back for thousands of years; a history full of wars, revolutions, inventions and clashes of culture. It is no wonder than that some knowledge will forever be lost in time or mysteries yet to be uncovered, even in our technological advanced age.  One of the most enigmatic mysteries is a curiously modern-looking object that had been found...

  • May 05, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

Invite the Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy Materials in Your Home

Remember the intro of Disney’s Mulan? Clouds and mountains appeared as if drawn by an invisible hand and we automatically connected these animations with China. Few images are more Chinese in our imagination than their famous black and elegant calligraphy.  Calligraphy remains one of the most important of the Chinese arts. In Chinese history, the art of writing was even...

  • April 28, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

Furniture Solutions for Small Spaces

  Many small rooms and spaces feel cramped if you try to add pieces of furniture. Seating arrangements can become a hassle when family and friends come over. Small apartments need to optimise their space to stay comfy and inviting. The worst experience is searching for functional furniture that can be difficult to find and are often very cheap looking. ...

  • April 14, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

Yellow colours bring happiness and warmth to your interior!

What do Vincent van Gogh, the emperors of China and a schoolbus have in common? They are all yellow!   Vincent van Gogh painting with many yellow shades Yellow is the brightest colour that we know of. Some blind people can even see this colour! It is the most visible colour from a distance, attracts loads of attention and signals...

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