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[0] Intro

Living in an Urban interior is looking around in your home and only finding the objects that you particularly appreciate and are attached to, whatever their style or origin. Mix & Match reigns. It might be your favourite antique statue, which brings back travel memories or a distinctive piece of ethnic chic furniture. It could be a minimalistic centrepiece of wall decoration, or a wonderful collection of decorations displayed all around the room.
You are not restricted to one style, combining old and new, East and West.

Your interior is a stamp of your resolutely urban personality; displaying a flair for the dramatic and visually full with colours and textures, combining modern furniture with ethnic objects, or embracing simplicity and stark contrast. Ethnic Chic interior is fluid, resembling changing personal tastes or a yearning for originality.
No matter what direction your tastes lie, your Urban Chic style has a distinctive touch and makes you happy to be surrounded by it.

  • February 08, 2017
  • Margret Ressang

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